By Tim Lhuede
August 28, 2019
From day to day I get asked this question time and time again. "I am in the market for a Used Car, what cars are best and where can I buy?" For years my answer was always the same. Stick to Japanese and you cant go wrong. But as I get older and technologies advance, its hard to pick one brand or model over another. Sure some cars will come with more expensive servicing and maintenance, justified by comfort, brand or style. Today I spoke with a friend of mine Jim from Tony Lahood Motors. A Used Car Guru who has been in the industry since 1985. So I asked Jim the question "what's the best car second hand". His response was not what i was expecting, but upon second thought, made more sense then any other reason you would buy a car for. "Find a car that you are comfortable to drive in, an extension of you. A car that you find has good vision and will do the job you intend to use it for (people mover, commuter, 4wd, ute ect)." He went on to continue, "A vehicle you find easy to drive and comfortable you will be safer in and less likely to be the cause of an accident. You will also find you keep the car longer too." Well I thought... I guess your behind the steering wheel every day, and at a mechanic shop once a year... don't ask your mechanic what he likes, Your the one driving the car, get something comfortable. There you have it folks, the answer, drive a few different models. Don't worry about what others think and choose the best fit for you. Hope this Helps Tim Lhuede